About me


Let me introduce myself. 
I am Merlina, I am from Indonesia. I have a happy family, with husband and 3 children.
Besides my routine activities at the office, I also like crafting.
I made this blog to share my projects to all of you. I know I am still not good enough to craft, but I want to learn and try.
Hope you enjoy my projects and leave some luv on comments.
Thank you very much.


Karen P said...

Merlina I just wanted to pop over and check out your blog when I saw this post. You need to change it hun. You have said you are not good enough to craft and you most definitely are. I think you may be a new crafter? Your colouring skills are fabulous and I have really enjoyed looking through your projects - they are beautiful Karen x

Unknown said...

Hi Karen, thank you for visiting and leaving sweet comment. I started to craft about last year, so I still have to learn and learn :)
Thanks for supporting me.
